28-Flirty-Ways-on-How-to-Text-Your-Crush-to-Get-Them-Interested CouplesChoices

28 Flirty Ways on How to Text Your Crush to Get Them Interested

Knowing how to text your crush will help you land a date with your crush, but it’s easier said than done. So what to text your crush to get noticed?

The average teenager sends 3,000 texts per month, and the average person probably doesn’t deviate much from those numbers. With that being said, we can all agree that texting is one sure-fire way to communicate with someone you like. But do you know how to text your crush?

The way you text your crush can make or break your chances of landing on a date with them. Texting isn’t everything, but it comprises a large part of your relationship. This is why it’s crucial to know how to text your crush and what to text your crush.


Why is texting an effective way of communicating?

It’s not news that texting is the most convenient and accessible way to communicate with someone. If you need to reach out to someone, all you need is one text to get your point across. So no matter where your crush is situated, you can at least rest assured that the message will be received if they are within the vicinity of a working cell tower.

In terms of creating connections, texting helps express things that are difficult to say in person. The only problem is expressing those things in the proper context. 

While texting is open for misinterpretation and misunderstandings, texting is also a fun way to communicate with someone *especially when using emojis and smileys!* It’s that easy, but there are still some limitations on what texting can offer you in terms of relationships.

When you use texting to express your emotions, the sincerity of your message becomes questionable. If you fail to reply or use texts as a weapon during a fight, you open yourself up to misunderstandings and unprecedented conflicts.

However, the good does outweigh the bad when building connections with someone *your crush included.* It’s a convenient way to keep talking to someone, even when you’re apart.

Why should you learn how to text your crush?

Learning how to text your crush is essential when it comes to your dating life. This is the primary way you’ll be able to develop your intimacy and trust with one another. As you get to know one another over text, you also deepen your knowledge about one another.

Most importantly, it’s the best foundation before you take that step forward in having your first date. Texting conversations are how you can tell whether you have compatibility and chemistry together. Also, it’s a great way to impress them *yes, you can absolutely impress your crush over text!*

How to get your crush’s attention with a text

Human beings are complex and simple at the same time. In order to take advantage of the latter, you just have to be honest and direct about what you want to say. In terms of texting, getting someone’s attention is still complicated, especially when they’re entertaining more than one person through the tiny screen in the palm of their hand.

So, if you really want to make an impression, here are a few ways you can amp up your texting game and walk away with the winning prize: an eggplant and taco emoji. We’re kidding, but if that’s what you’re into, go right ahead.

1. Say hi
A simple “hi” would probably suffice, but it’s best that you add a smiley face or at least a question at the end of it. Asking a person how they’re doing is fine, but you can also say it in a way that allows them to reply longer, like texting, “How’s school/work/your mom?”

This is the most basic conversation starter on how to text your crush so go on, text your crush and ask them how they’re doing! 

2. Follow up with an open-ended question
You can also continue the conversation by adding questions that don’t warrant a yes or no answer. This will require a bit more grammar proficiency on your part, but isn’t it all worth it in the end? Open-ended questions will bring the conversation to life rather than just asking dead-ended questions.

These kinds of questions also make them expand on their answer more, letting you get to know them better. If you’re wondering what to text your crush, use questions to your advantage.

3. Ask about their day
If you ask about their day, they might have a lot to say or not much at all. The purpose of this is to show that you care about what’s going on with their lives. So ask about their day and show that you genuinely care, and you’re not just pretending to so they like you.

Be really interested in the details of their day and listen to their stories. By showing you care, she’ll appreciate this and keep wanting to text you more. It’s a mundane action, but it shows sincerity and care from your end.

4. Show them a funny meme
Most people use memes to start conversations or to actually carry on a conversation. Nobody dislikes a funny meme, and if you end up sending one they’ve never seen, your crush will laugh their butt off and be very grateful for the little burst of happiness you gave them.

Making your crush laugh is how you can make a powerful impression, over text. It also gives them the sense of the things you find funny and if you share the same humor, that’s a bonus point! 

5. Send a conservative amount of emojis
Do not, under any circumstance, flood your crush’s phone with emojis. The perfect amount to send is an emoji for every emotion you express and a smiley at the start or end of your conversation. While emojis can be fun and exciting to use in the proper context, don’t overuse them.

It’s going to look weird and annoying on your crush’s end when they receive your texts filled with emojis. Instead, you want to keep is subtle and only use them when appropriate. Also, try not to send vague emojis, lest you offend your crush in the process.


6. Make your presence known once a day, max
If your crush is not much of a texter or if they rarely reply immediately, make sure you only say hello once a day. Don’t keep sending messages, hoping they’ll respond to at least one. You don’t have to text with one another 24/7 constantly, but you can at least let her know that you’re still there.

So if they have a hectic schedule, don’t hesitate to make your presence known every now and then. If you want to know how to text your crush, don’t let them forget your existence!

7. Give them compliments
This is pretty much a game-changer in communication. Studies show that people who receive compliments are more likely to become attracted to the giver. So go ahead and stroke that ego.

Also, it gives them a positive impression on you when you give them compliments *just make sure they’re genuine, not forced.* 

8. Congratulate them on a job well done
Appreciating their achievements is also a great way to make them notice you. That’s because it can be surprising if someone other than their friends or co-workers takes notice of their achievements.

If they shared an achievement, especially one they’re proud of, tell them they did a great job, and they deserve it for their hard work. It’s a simple phrase of encouragement, but it’ll make them feel acknowledged.

9. Ask them for a favor
We know you’re probably thinking why you would ask your crush for a favor when the point is to impress them. However, it was Benjamin Franklin who discovered that asking an enemy for a favor would result in their liking you. This could probably work for texting as well.

Asking your crush for a favor makes them feel needed, which is why it’s something to consider when learning how to text your crush.

10. Show them that you care
Remind them to eat even though they know when they should. Tell them to bring an umbrella when it looks like it’s going to rain. It sounds domineering and overbearing, but it actually shows that you care. If you’re wondering what to you text your crush, show them your concern and care through your texts.

Maybe ask how their day went or how that party was last night. This both shows you’re a good listener and that you care about them. 

11. Be cute
Try sending a few mushy statements that don’t make you look like you’re trying too hard. For example, “I really like talking to you” would be a nice text for your crush to receive. This way, you’re also letting them know you’re interested in them * to avoid the friend zone actively.*

If you’re thinking about what to text your crush, these cheesy simple statements will do wonders in your text conversation. 

12. Be sexy
Try also to say things that make you look like you’re trying hard enough. For example, “Netflix and chill?” This shows that you actually want to do something with them outside of texting. Okay, so maybe don’t start with ‘Netflix and chill’ as they might get the wrong idea of what you’re after.

But this advice still works great to let them know you want to take things a step further. Maybe ask them for coffee or run errands together.

13. Be assertive
Rather than wait for your crush to start the conversation, go right ahead and send them a message whenever you feel like it. Tell them what’s on your mind. They’ll appreciate the honesty and vivaciousness.

Being assertive is one of the best ways you can build a texting relationship with your crush. However, don’t be too assertive as they won’t be too pleased with that, either. Find the balance when texting them.

14. Open up about their favorite things
The best part about hacking communication is that it’s easy to make someone enjoy talking to you. And that’s through talking about them.

A text conversation is a mutual exchange of discussion, so if you want them to trust you and open up to you, you have to be willing to do the same. It can’t be a one-sided conversation where it’s only them that’s doing the opening up.

15. Ask them personal questions
If you want to know what to text your crush, ask them personal questions. As we’ve established earlier, asking your crush questions is engaging in text conversations. Talking about personal things can bring people closer together.

Just make sure you don’t overstep your boundaries or ask anything offensive. Of course, you don’t want to offend your crush and make them stop texting you altogether, right? 

16. Tell them you just got out of the shower
It’s much better to use this advice when you’ve gotten to the flirting and seduction phase of your texting relationship. Otherwise, things can get messy and awkward when you say this too soon.

If you’re wondering what to text your crush, tell them you just got out of the shower, and let their imagination run wild. It’ll drive them crazy just thinking about you. 

17. Send a bored selfie
Remind them how good you look by sending a strategically posed pic that seems like you didn’t put much effort into your look. That natural selfie you send them will drive them crazy until they can’t stop thinking about you.

So go ahead, take a few selfies and choose the one with the perfect lighting and angle for you! 

18. Sign your goodbye or goodnight texts with a kissy face
This type of emoji exchange can elicit feelings of happiness and giddiness. The kissy face is the be-all and end-all of flirty texts, so don’t forget to use it whenever possible.

It’s just like flirting, but with emojis! So if you’re wondering how to text your crush, use emojis to your advantage! This is the one circumstance where you’re allowed to use emojis, so get going!

19. Use their name whenever you can
Using someone’s name breeds familiarity and also shows that you’re confident enough to approach them. Even if it’s through texts, the principle is the same.

Say their name to promote closeness and intimacy. It shows that you’re comfortable being around them just enough to use their name. 

20. Skip the text and Facetime them instead
Look, you won’t be texting one another forever. So if there’s anything you should take note of, it’s to skip the text and choose FaceTime instead.

Video calls are far more entertaining than texts ever will be, so why not give them a call? It’s the best way to develop a connection with your crush. That is if you want to land a date with them. 

21. Find a common ground
When texting your crush, it’s all about finding your common interests and hobbies. If you want to keep the conversation going, finding a common interest will help you both to keep talking about it for others.

Do you both love Grey’s Anatomy? Then talk about your favorite characters and which scenes made your heart melt the most. It might sound like a simple piece of advice but hey, it works!

22. Make jokes
There’s no reason to be so serious with your texts, as text conversations are mostly supposed to be casual. So if you want to know what to text your crush, don’t be afraid to make jokes. It’s always attractive when someone can make you laugh over text!

So use your personal sense of humor to your advantage and don’t hesitate to make them laugh. We promise they’ll end up being fond of you more afterward. 

23. Get a debate going
If you’re serious about learning how to text your crush, then get a debate going. They’ll love it when you show your intellectual side to them, especially in such a superficial world.

This is how you develop mental intimacy with someone, which is far superior than any other kind of intimacy. Not to mention, you’ll keep the text conversation going through a debate.

24. Match their texting energy
If you seriously want to impress your crush and avoid boring them to death, then match their texting energy. Don’t be a dry and boring texter; nobody wants that.

Nobody would want to keep texting you if this is the case. So if your crush is a rather enthusiastic texter, match this energy and don’t leave them hanging. 

25. Text them late at night
While late-night texts can also be a double-edged sword, they can also be quite sweet. Texting your crush lines such as ‘I can’t fall asleep, I’d rather be talking to you’ would be appreciated by them. So why not text them even late at night *as long as you’re not doing it to make them a booty call.*

26. Show off your personality
Your personality is everything when it comes to keeping your crush interested in a text conversation with you. So if you’re wondering what to text your crush, then don’t shut off your personality from them.

If you have a vibrant and outgoing personality, don’t mold that into a version of yourself that you’re clearly not. If anything, it’s your personality that’ll hook them to be interested in you. 

27. Keep it light
You can definitely have deep conversations if that’s what you prefer, but it’s best to keep it to a minimum. If you want to know how to text your crush, stick to light and casual topics.

Leave the element of mystery throughout your conversation, but not to the point you push them away entirely. So don’t reveal everything to them right away if you really want to impress them and make them want to keep texting you.

28. Live an interesting life
If you really want to know how to text your crush, have an interesting life. Don’t just wait around for their text all day *no matter how tempting it is,* but really live a vibrant. Don’t just play video games all day, waiting for their text, but get yourself out there.

Go out with your friends, take adventures, and just live a little! It’ll make such a good conversation when you tell all about your day to your crush.

So, how to text your crush?

Texting your crush is all about showing your personality and charm. Don’t be so stiff in your texts but flirt with them, match your energy, and converse with all kinds of topics. Most importantly, be yourself as it’s extremely exhausting and unnecessary to pretend to be someone you’re not.

Knowing how to text your crush can benefit your dating life, especially with these 28 tricks above. It might even land you on that first date and build a real relationship with them!