8 Tips to Have a Great Time When You Travel as a Couple

Traveling is a wonderful bonding experience for couples. Here are some helpful tips to ensure that you have a great time when you travel together!


Traveling and discovering an unfamiliar place can be exciting for couples to look forward to. It is ideal for couples to plan a wonderful trip that is filled with romance, adventure and relaxation. However, planning a trip, budgeting the cost and making sacrifices to cut expenses to ensure that the trip is well worth it can cause stress between a couple, before they embark on their journey.

That is not to say that the traveling experience will be unpleasant. It is just important to have all of the major and minor details in order before you travel. Men usually like to engage in active activities that will keep you two on the go during the trip. On the other hand, women are likely to plan relaxing activities, shopping escapades and trying out new cuisines to liven up your palettes. However, you cannot go wrong with planning a variety of activities to enjoy together.

Tips to help you have a great time during your vacation

Although traveling is fun, it can take your relationship to another level. Make sure that neither of you have different expectations and to remain on the same page when it comes to preparing for your trip. No worries, we have you covered with the following 8 tips that can help you have an amazing time when you travel.

#1 Create the agenda together. Planning the agenda together is all about compromise. Both of you must be willing to come together on the activities you want to do, sights you want to see, days you want to be active and not so active, and so forth.

Couples who plan their agenda together end up having a successful trip and getting just what they wanted from their travel experience. Also, creating the agenda together helps you communicate your wants and needs. It allows couples to engage in a meaningful conversation that can actually bring you two closer together.

With all of the planning, do not forget that you can still make time to be spontaneous during the trip. Having a solid plan will help you in the long run, but it is okay to go off course to add more excitement to the trip. But creating the agenda together in advance helps to lower the risks of mishaps that could potentially happen during the trip.

#2 Take the romance up a notch. Yes, keeping the spice alive in a relationship is always key. So there is no better place to take the romance up a notch than in new territory. Couples usually go on trips with the mindset of having more time for romance. We get so caught up in the hustle and bustle of everyday life that we sometimes forget to give our honey some lovin’.

Ladies, buy something sexy to put on for your man and switch it up a little. Guys, try creating the perfect atmosphere for romance by decorating the room, catering to her needs, and massaging the areas on her that need your special attention. Try some PDA and express your love and appreciation for one another. Bringing the romance back or being more romantic than you usually are will definitely help you see the need for it. It is also a primary key to keeping you happy as a couple. 



#3 Leave your worries behind. Leave work, bills, kids, stress, issues and everything else at home. After all, the purpose of traveling is to enjoy yourselves and to escape from your daily duties. Make sure to clear up any issues or commitments before you leave for your trip.

This helps you have a great time, because you will not spend the entire trip moaning and groaning about all the problems that are back home. Instead, you can focus on each other and the new sights and sounds you encounter on your trip.

Let’s face it, no one wants to talk about spilled milk while enjoying crystal clear water and wonderful sunshine. If needed, implement a rule that neither one of you can talk about any major issues nor touchy subjects that you normally would discuss at home.

As a couple, this will help to keep you two in positive and uplifting spirits during the trip. The key to traveling is to enjoy yourselves fully! 

#4 Eat, drink, play. Live it up during your travels by planning adventures that enable you to eat, drink and play. Try new foods you have never heard of before or that you have a hard time pronouncing to get a kick out of trying to say them. Drink, responsibly of course, and immerse yourselves in dancing or just kick back and enjoy a drink. Play all you want, explore the place, mingle with the locals or engage with other tourists.

New experiences help couples to bond and get to know each other better. Additionally, when you get home you will have new memories to share with your family and friends. Being in a relationship can become so mundane and that can increase the chances of couples growing apart.

That is why it is so important to create new experiences together. You may discover a few new things about each other and take away some new recipe or hobby ideas. 

#5 Take a breather. You do not have to spend the entire trip hand in hand. Taking a day or just a couple of hours apart allows both of you to breathe. Maybe both of you can go participate in an activity alone, or explore something that you know your partner has no interest in.

Spending time apart allows you to embark on something new that you can later share with your partner. The wonderful thing about spending time alone is that it keeps things interesting, and you will not feel smothered by constantly being in each other’s company during the trip. And once you finally meet up together, you can then talk about all the great things you saw while you were wandering on your own.

#6 Plan a surprise. Who doesn’t love a good surprise from their honey? Of course, it is great to plan the agenda together, but remember it was previously mentioned to also go off course.

Both of you can take the initiative to plan a surprise for each other. This can be especially useful if you do not know how to spend your alone time during your breather. Surprises say to your partner that you thought of them, that you cared enough to do something special for them, and simply that you appreciate their presence in your life.

It can be anything from a little souvenir that reminds you of your partner or tickets to an event that you know your partner may be into. You can even make your hotel room extra romantic with rose petals, candles and sexy music so that your partner will be surprised when they get back to the room! 

#7 Have a lazy day. A lazy day is a fantastic idea because it gives you a break to recharge after all of the exploring, eating, drinking and playing you will be doing. Kick back, relax and enjoy the view. You do not want to tire yourselves out during your trip, and then arrive back home and sleep for an entire day. Thus, maybe during the middle or towards the end of your trip, take a day to enjoy doing nothing.

Your life will probably be busy when you go back home, so why not enjoy a day of laziness, because it is something you rarely get to do. You can cuddle up and just bask in each other’s company. You can also watch movies, order take out, or heck, just stay in bed all day!



#8 Mingle with the locals. The comforts of home may be convenient, but you have to step out of your comfort zone to fully experience the atmosphere of your vacation spot. The best way to do this is to immerse yourself in what the locals are into.

Sure, tourist spots may be great, but there are tons of hidden gems in every location that you can only access through the help of the locals. If you’re tired of searching for new spots, why not just kick back and enjoy a few drinks with the locals to learn more about the place, through the eyes of people who live there. Who knows, you might even pick up on some unique customs that you can practice back home!

Overall, the purpose of these tips is to provide unique ideas that can help couples have an unforgettable travel experience. Make sure to give these tips a try the next time you travel with your mate.

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