Forehead Kiss: What It Means Subconsciously & Makes It So Special?

Forehead Kiss: What It Means Subconsciously & Makes It So Special?

There’s something about a forehead kiss that makes you feel loved and special. But why? Learn the meaning of a forehead kiss and why we feel what we feel.

Many people long for a romantic kiss on the lips. And that makes absolute sense, we watch it in the movies, we grow up hearing that a kiss on the lips is the epitome of romance. But once you’ve been kissed on the forehead by someone you adore, you’d understand the meaning of a forehead kiss and just how special you feel at that moment.

Once you’re in a relationship with someone, and you receive a kiss on your forehead, you feel more connected to them. It’s so much about sexual intimacy or even romantic intimacy, but there’s a certain feeling of being cared for, of being understood and loved.

Different kisses have specific meanings

Not all kisses are created equal. Anyone can figure that out! A kiss on the cheek is much different than a kiss with tongue. And that means each kiss has a specific meaning.

For instance, a kiss on the cheek from a handsome man after a first date is different than a kiss on the cheek from your friend’s great aunt. However, with a forehead kiss, it will generally mean the same thing.

What a forehead kiss means

A forehead kiss is more than the kiss your dad gave you when tucking you into bed at night. It is intimate. With that, it’s sweet when platonic, but so much more when romantic.

It is a nonsexual way to physically show love and attraction. A forehead kiss means more than a greeting, but rather, it is a gesture that lends itself to more feeling.

The forehead kiss shows closeness more than chemistry. It reveals an admiration for the mind and soul of the other. And when you’re kissed on the forehead by someone you love, you can’t help but close your eyes and feel protected and warmly loved. 

When someone kisses you on the forehead, they may love you and be sexually attracted to you as well, but at that moment, a forehead kiss expresses deep affection and fondness. A forehead kiss is the kind of kiss you give someone when you love them so much that you can’t express your emotions through words or though touch.

It’s deep, loving, pure, and intense all at once. And that’s what makes a forehead kiss so special, especially when you receive it from your lover.


Why a forehead kiss means so much

If you’re a fan of forehead kisses, you’re not alone. For some reason, everyone loves them and wants to get them from the people closest to them.

Here’s what it means when you get a forehead kiss and also why it’s so special.

1. It shows they’re thinking about you
A forehead kiss is fantastic because it’s a very small gesture that shows your partner is thinking about you in a cute way. This isn’t to show that they’re thinking about how great your butt looks in your jeans.

They’re thinking about you and how much they care about you. When they’re in that mindset, a kiss on the forehead is what helps them get those thoughts across to you. 

2. It shows an emotional connection
Kissing on the forehead has absolutely nothing to do with anything sexual. Your parents and friends and grandparents can kiss you on the forehead and it wouldn’t be inappropriate in the slightest.

And that’s because a forehead kiss is about emotions, all emotions. Someone who feels emotionally fond or close to you at that moment can plant a small kiss on your forehead.

3. It’s a quick way to show appreciation
If you want to make your relationship work with anyone, you need to show some form of appreciation. You can’t expect them to stick around if you don’t appreciate them.

Your partner and the people in your life know this. Physical intimacy is one of the best ways to express that appreciation. That’s why they give you a small kiss on your forehead. It’s a very quick way to say, “I appreciate you,” without actually saying anything. 

4. It’s more intimate than a simple kiss on the cheek
A kiss on the cheek is more common amongst family and friends, whereas a forehead kiss is definitely seen more between a couple. You can kiss a stranger or even a coworker on the cheek. A kiss on the forehead has a much more intimate meaning.

It shows a deeper connection to someone when you give them a forehead kiss. And that’s what makes it extra special. It’s a cute, simple way to be intimate without being gross.

5. It shows you their commitment to you
This may be something that isn’t as obvious, but it’s definitely accurate. When someone kisses you on the forehead – especially in front of other people – they’re showing you how committed to you they are.

They’re basically telling you that they care about you and are in it for the long haul. It’s a lovely, romantic kiss that means a lot even to the person doing the kissing. Usually, you wouldn’t kiss someone on the forehead if you didn’t have deep feelings for them. 

6. It makes you feel loved
This is one of the top reasons a forehead kiss means so much to you. It makes you feel loved and appreciated in such a subtle way. It isn’t obvious like a kiss on the lips. In fact, it can be so subtle you may not even realize how much you like it at first.

But then you’ll notice when you don’t get those kisses, and you’ll miss them. The feeling of love and appreciation you get is addicting, and it’ll help solidify your relationship.

7. It forges a deeper bond
When you’re constantly getting the attention and appreciation you need, your relationship can grow and you can strengthen your bond. And forehead kisses do just that.

It may be something small and simple, but it has a very drastic effect on your relationship. Without that feeling of love, you end up questioning your relationship and even your partner’s intentions. 


8. It’s a simple form of PDA
PDA isn’t for everyone. While some couples think it’s fine, others don’t at all. And truthfully, that can become an issue if you and your significant other have differing opinions.

That’s why forehead kisses are great. Yes, they are PDA, but they’re very subtle and even tasteful. This is a loving way to say goodbye at a train station. It is a romantic yet classy way to share your love in public.

You can easily compromise on PDA with a forehead kiss, and it’ll show how much your partner cares for you in a public setting. And to some people, that is essential. 

9. It’s a nonsexual way of showing their attraction to you
It’s perfectly fine to be attracted to someone sexually and to show that attraction, but sometimes it’s better to show them how much you like them without the sexual side. That’s why your partner gives you forehead kisses and why they’re so special.

They’re showing how much they care about you in a nonsexual manner. Kissing the head itself shows a love of the mind. And for some people who may think all their partner wants is sex, it can be a powerful way to show true affection.

10. It’s more meaningful because they know you like it
How often do you do something specifically because your partner likes it? Not because you do, but because you know they do?

If your significant other is aware of how much you enjoy those forehead kisses and they do it simply because of that, it’s pretty special to you. Knowing they care about making you happy is a big part of a successful relationship.

11. It isn’t intense
A kiss on the lips can be confusing. Not only that, but it can put a lot of pressure on where it’s going. Will it lead to sex? Does it mean more than you want it to? Do they love you or are they just sexually attracted to you?

A kiss on the forehead shows what a kiss on the lips can, but without the unanswered and unspoken questions of sex. A forehead kiss is pure, and totally non-sexual.

12. It gives you that feeling
What feeling? Well, that warm and fuzzy feeling. A forehead kiss bonds you and releases hormones that just make you feel good.

Feeling safe and loved is one of the most amazing parts of relationships. Having some so simple mean so much shouldn’t be taken for granted.

13. It means something to them too
A kiss on the forehead doesn’t just mean something to the receiver, but the giver as well. The person giving that forehead kiss is getting their feelings across in an intimate way.

They are sharing their love and care for that person. It releases a lot of emotions even though it is such a small act. 

14. It could mean a change
This isn’t meant to be negative, but sometimes a kiss on the forehead can mean things have changed. If you normally kiss on the lips and things have shifted upwards, it could mean sexual feelings are fleeting.

A forehead kiss, although often shared romantically, can also be platonic. It is a kiss often shared after a difficult but mutual breakup. It can mean there is still love and care there, but it isn’t what it used to be.

15. It shows protection
A kiss on the forehead is a sign of protection. When you kiss someone like this, you are looking out for them. you want them to be okay and you want to be there for them.

The meaning of a forehead kiss is simple yet deep, and intimate yet sweet. And now that you know what it means, you should understand just now special and loving it is, in a passionate and yet non-sexual way. Can there be anything better?